Milk Additives & Fortifiers

Nutritional Milk Additives
From combatting cold stress in the winter to fighting flies in the summer, using the right milk additive can help set your growing calves up for success. We offer a full range of milk additives to help support calf health during critical times.
Nutritional Milk Fortifiers for Livestock
Milk fortifiers deliver key nutrition to calves where pasteurized milk falls short. Specifically formulated to enhance the health properties of whole or nonsalable milk, milk fortifiers are an economical way to support and sustain calf growth.
Milk Energizer®
Milk Energizer® is a high energy, instant mixing fat source available for increasing the total energy level of whole milk or milk replacers during cold weather. … The energy from Milk Energizer® helps keep animals in a positive energy balance during periods of cold stress or low feed intake. It can be used with any livestock species when additional energy is required. Species Calves
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Clarifly® Add Pack
ClariFly® Add Pack can be added directly to milk or milk replacer right on the farm. ClariFly® is a feed-through larvicide that prevents … adult house flies, stable flies, face flies and horn flies from developing and emerging from the manure of treated cattle. ClariFly® passes through the digestive tract of the animal and into the manure where it disrupts the normal molting process of fly larvae. Species Calves
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CalfAlly® Medicated NT Add Pack
CalfAlly® Medicated NT Add Pack is a medicated supplement to treat scours and pneumonia in dairy and beef calves.… CalfAlly® Medicated NT Add Pack is a Type B medicated feed that provides the maximum allowable dosage of Neomycin and Oxytetracycline when mixed with non medicated milk replacer or feed ingredients. This antibiotic combination is used to treat bacterial enteritis and bacterial pneumonia (shipping fever complex) in calves. Species Calves
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Milk Sidekick®
Milk Sidekick® is formulated to optimize fat and protein concentrations, provide vitamins and minerals that are lacking in pasteurized milk, … and provide coccidiosis and fly control. Milk Sidekick® provides these benefits all in one convenient, low inclusion package. Species Calves
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Excelerate® PME Wheat & Plasma
Excelerate® Pasteurized Milk Enhancement, with hydrolyzed wheat and milk protein, is a special formulation of high quality ingredients and essential nutrients. … The formulation is carefully balanced to promote lean gain as well as immune and growth system development in calves when mixed with pasteurized milk and water. Species Calves
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Excelerate® PME All Milk
Excelerate® Pasteurized Milk Enhancement is a special formulation of high quality milk ingredients and essential nutrients.… The formulation is carefully balanced to promote lean gain as well as immune and growth system development in calves when mixed with pasteurized milk and water. Species Calves
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Milk Bridge®
Milk Bridge® is specifically designed for addition to whole or nonsalable milk, providing the same effective level of Bovatec used in milk replacers for the control … of coccidiosis in replacement calves. The addition of Milk Bridge helps improve the level of milk solids in nonsalable milk, improving its nutrition value. Species Calves
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Milk Primer®
Milk Primer® is a medication option specifically designed to be added to whole or nonsalable milk, providing the same effective levels of … Oxytetracycline and Neomycin used in milk replacers for the treatment of bacterial scours and pneumonia. Species Calves
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